Christian Sismone

Hustle for your Worth: A Reaction

Hustle for your Worth: A Reaction

I have been a long time watcher of Kati Morton, who is a therapist who made a great name for herself on Youtube. She recently posted a video that really made me stop and reflect which isn’t something that happens these days. As some one who has tried to work hyper hard and at times sadly performative, I very deeply understood her statement of hustling for your worth. We all can do things that aren’t in our best interest and ultimately our downfall all in the name of getting a gold star in life.

Another statement that hit a cord for me from her is needing to “set yourself on fire to keep others warm” made me very passionate as I understood very well this concept. These concepts aren’t foreign to me however, as I make pivots in my life and change my career, it’s vital that I embrace the fullness of myself and share.

Go check out my video!

Busting The Imposter Syndrome Myth: Don’t Fall For It! Embrace Confidence And Conquer!

Busting The Imposter Syndrome Myth: Don’t Fall For It! Embrace Confidence And Conquer!

Imposter Syndrome has become a very buzzword, like in the self-help community. There are countless think pieces on this subject that range from commiserating to deep psychology reviews. In my video, I share my perspective on this very hot topic and how you can embrace your true self. We only feel as though we are imposters when we try to be unathetic to our true expression.

Head over to watch the video and leave me a comment on your thoughts!

Busting The Imposter Syndrome Myth: Don’t Fall For It! Embrace Confidence And Conquer!

“Navigating Darkness: A Guide to Self-Care When You’re Struggling with Depression”

“Navigating Darkness: A Guide to Self-Care When You’re Struggling with Depression”

As the days grow shorter and a cool crispness fills the air, I find myself caught in the bittersweet embrace of my favorite season – the transition from fall to winter. It’s a time I both cherish and grapple with, where the world around me mirrors the complexities within. Amid life’s demands, the struggle with depression adds an extra weight to the changing seasons. In this post, I aim to offer insights on navigating darkness and provide a guide to self-care during those challenging times.

Life’s routine obligations persist, even as the world seems to grow heavier with the encroaching winter. The daily grind of making a living, coupled with mundane tasks like laundry and grocery runs, doesn’t pause for the emotional challenges that come with the changing season. As the daylight diminishes, so too can our inner light, making self-care crucial during this period.

It’s common for mental health to become a hidden aspect of our lives, tucked away like holiday decorations in the attic. We acknowledge its presence but often avoid delving too deeply into its complexities. However, the unexamined aspects of our mental well-being can pose the greatest threats to our security. Having walked through the shadows for much of my life, I recognize the importance of navigating this path for survival and the discovery of the light within.

Ways to Navigate the Darkness:

To navigate, you must clearly see how your darkness appears and what common themes you see. In my life, the inability to excite myself to start my day and the cloudiness of my mind is often my cues to start tapping within and monitoring. At times, one is simply tired and needs a bit of light in one’s life. However, if I see a familiar pattern, I begin to use the following ways to help myself have stability.

Mindful Practices for the Mind and Body:
Explore mindfulness techniques and gentle exercises that can help alleviate the mental and physical toll of depression. From meditation to yoga, discover practices that resonate with you.

Nourishing Your Body:
Depression often affects appetite and nutrition. Learn about simple, nourishing meals that provide comfort and support overall well-being.

Establishing a Routine:
Establishing a daily routine can provide structure and stability. We’ll explore the benefits of a consistent schedule and offer tips on creating one that suits your needs.

Creative Outlets:
Engaging in creative pursuits can be a therapeutic outlet. Whether it’s writing, drawing, or music, we’ll explore how self-expression can be a powerful tool for coping.

Setting Realistic Goals:
Depression can make even the simplest tasks seem daunting. Learn to set realistic, achievable goals that foster a sense of accomplishment without overwhelming yourself.

Embracing Nature:
Spending time outdoors has proven benefits for mental health. Discover the calming effects of nature and how to incorporate it into your self-care routine.

Monitoring Self-Talk:
Challenge negative self-talk and cultivate self-compassion. We’ll provide strategies for changing thought patterns that contribute to feelings of despair.

Building a Support System:
One of the cornerstones of self-care involves creating a robust support network. We’ll discuss the importance of leaning on friends, family, or mental health professionals during tough times.

Knowing When to Seek Professional Help:
Finally, understand when it’s time to seek professional assistance. We’ll discuss the signs that indicate the need for professional intervention and the various mental health resources available.

Self-care is an ongoing process, and progress may be slow. Be patient, celebrate small victories, and know you are not alone. Implementing these strategies can build a foundation for better mental health and well-being. Remember, acknowledging the presence of the shadows is the first step toward illuminating the path to self-discovery and healing.

Death by Self-Help: Embracing Self-Acceptance

Death by Self-Help: Embracing Self-Acceptance

In the realm of personal development, there comes a point in life when you must accept yourself as you are and ask, “Do I want to change?” Oftentimes, we get lost in the sea of well-intentioned creators who promise transformative power through books or courses, while neglecting our own innate creative potential.

Over the past two decades, I’ve consumed a vast amount of self-help literature, each one dangling the idealized promise of self-improvement if only I endured. It’s easy to become a self-help addict, constantly seeking the next podcast or course as the missing piece to unlock the life I’ve always dreamed of. However, my own journey of reinvention, following a challenging period in college, left me feeling like a fixer-upper house in desperate need of repair. I searched tirelessly for the magic routine that could make me more charming, beautiful, and deserving of the lives that others seemed to enter with grace.

Self-Acceptance Over Self-Fixation

Returning to blogging after a year-long hiatus and numerous attempts at entrepreneurship, I found myself in a unique position. What I like to call my “spiritual hermit phase” – devoid of friends and social engagements – allowed me to scrutinize myself without the need to conform to societal standards. It was in this solitude that I came to a profound realization: I wasn’t broken, and I didn’t need continuous fixing.

When we believe that we must constantly correct ourselves, we subconsciously reject who we are. Consider how you interact with someone who merely tolerates your existence. Your behavior may range from avoidance to transactional exchanges, and some may overexert themselves, leading to emotional burnout. Constantly rejecting yourself sends a message that you are not acceptable, making it difficult to attract the life you desire.

The morning I woke up to the idea that I wasn’t broken was a sobering one. I had to acknowledge the remarkable person I’ve always been and shed the image of the defective girl society projected onto me. I had to embrace my power and take responsibility for my life. It’s often easier to invest in fixing something rather than engaging in deep self-contemplation.

No number of books, courses, or videos can fix you because you are not broken. The most significant moment in your life is when you allow yourself to be and accept your whole self. While self-improvement and upskilling are valuable, the constant need to reinvent yourself is not necessary. Just as restricting the use of one hand can lead to overworking and breakdown, rejecting parts of yourself as less than or bad prevents integration.

Embrace Self-Acceptance in 2024

As we look to 2024, let’s abandon the need to fix ourselves and begin to accept what we might consider flaws based on arbitrary standards. Many of those we strive to emulate are often mere illusions, masterfully manipulating specific images to capitalize on people’s insecurities.

I wouldn’t end a post without offering a few ways to foster self-acceptance:

  1. Take an honest look in the mirror and ask yourself what you dislike about yourself.
  2. Explore who told you these things are wrong.
  3. Imagine who you could be if you allowed yourself to see yourself clearly.

After this exercise, you may experience a surge of emotions. Embrace them, as they are your cues to dig deeper. You deserve a full life without needing external validation to define your existence.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment and share your own experiences or thoughts on self-acceptance.

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